The hype drive is a form of editing to ramp up the hype for a product or a reveal or anything anyone should get excited about. This kind of editing is mentioned briefly in the character reveal, as this kind of editing is tied to character reveals.
This kind of editing and choice of shots is much about revealing certain elements of a subject without revealing the subject. It is both vague and specific at the same time, don’t give too much away too quickly, but also keep the shots rather snappy to drive that hype. Do not keep it going for too long, if you tease the audience too much they will get annoyed. (This is why shows like X Factor, and Britain's Got Talent and various other shows that do hype drives of silence and waiting begin to get grating because they hold it for too long)
The reveal itself should be a payoff to the tension you’ve created. The payoff should reveal the subject in all its glory and make the crowd go wild!
Use: Use this to build hype in a video.
Genre: Subject / Product Shots / Composition / Style
This shows the order of the hype drive used in Spider-man Across The Spider-Verse, all of these shots happen in a matter of seconds, but only reveal Hobie right at the end. Remember, vague, but specific.